Depending on where you do it and at what time of the year this can cost up to USD $2,000/£1,320/1770 EUROS.
You will go from a complete novice to someone who can do all crewing jobs aboard a boat of up to 65ft competently. You will learn basic boat handling under power and sail, elements of meteorology and navigation, international sailing regulations, and safety techniques.
The International Yacht Training scheme is an internationally recognised sail training organisation so unlike many other nationally based courses, the certificate is recognised as a certificate of competency all over the world.
You will be qualified to crew a yacht of up to 65ft anywhere in the world. From the course, you should also be able to skipper a boat in sheltered waters.
This is purely practical though you will learn the beginnings of yachting theory such as navigation, meteorology, lights and collision regulations that will serve you well as you progress through your studies to be a better sailor.
Courses are available all over the world. Many Caribbean, Pacific and Mediterranean based sailing schools offer the course, as well as North America, the UK and Europe.
Yes. Though the IYT is based in Canada it does not ‘belong’ to any country. Have a look at the IYT website for an idea where in your region you can do it.
You should be over 14 when you begin. Other than that you need no previous experience.
This takes 5 days.
Over the five day intensive course, you will learn how to hand, reef and steer. You will also cover sailing at all points of sail, as well as manoeuvres under power such as mooring, anchoring and coming onto and off a dock.
You will learn the basics of meteorology, navigation and pilotage. You will cover international and local maritime regulations such as the Collision Regulations, buoyage and lighting at sea.
You can progress through the IYT yachting syllabus. You can either pursue as a leisure sailor or as a professional one – that is very much up to you. Have a look at this IYT webpage for an idea of the paths you can take as a yachtsman through the system.
Yes. IYT accreditation is recognised by maritime and coastguard agencies all over the world.
Have a look here for available Introduction to Boating & International Crew courses.
This Wikipedia page also offers some great information.