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FAQ’s: RYA Own Boat Tuition Courses

How much do RYA Own Boat Tuition courses cost, including exam fees?

Prices depend on which RYA sailing school you use. The day rate can vary between £150-£260 (approx. 205-360 EUROS or $235-$405) per day.

Please note that the price for tuition on your own boat is PER DAY and not PER PERSON. This means that you are able to take your family & friends with you so that you can split the cost of the training.

You are also expected to cover the cost of your travel to and from the boat, as well as food for the instructor.

What will you get out of the 'Own Boat' courses?

It is entirely up to you!

If you need help race tuning your boat for the club series / Cowes Week the instructor will help. If you want to do an RYA recognised racing or cruising course then many sailing schools will do the course aboard your yacht.

Others will provide the instructor as a hired skipper for a prolonged passage – perhaps if you want to move the boat from the UK to Portugal to explore its coast.

Boats differ as widely as cats’ personalities. An all out racer won’t forgive you for an error you make on a 30 year old tub. Equally, you may have learned to sail on a 30 year old tub but want to sail a Melges or J boat and want to learn how to get the best out of it.

One classic example of where own boat tuition really works is for a skipper who has bought a multihull after training on monohulls. It is faster to sail just off the wind on a downwind leg than dead down wind on a cat or tri. Multihulls have an awful lot of leeway and can’t point as close to the wind as monohulls, yet at certain points of sail will leave their monohull rivals in their wake as they speed ahead. Having an instructor aboard will teach you how to make the best of your new boat.

What are your limitations?

Again, this depends on what you want from having an instructor aboard. The sky’s the limit – you just pay for what you need.

Are the courses shorebased theory, practical or both?

These are practical, though if you need passage planning, pilotage or other onboard theory then go ahead and ask. You’ll do well to do safety techniques such as how to operate your life raft or man overboard procedures as these can vary according to the peculiarities of your vessel.

Where can you take own boat sesions?

The limit is only on price. If you’re planning on crossing the Atlantic it might be expensive, where for a day’s race tuning on the same river as the sailing course is going to be cheaper.

Can you do own boat tuition in another country?

Yes, more or less anywhere in the world.

What level of experience do you need before you begin?

You can have zero experience and begin your RYA sailing career aboard your own boat if you wish. For those interested in the intermediate or higher level qualifications, see the RYA website for information as to the minimum level of experience required.

How long do these sessions take?

You can hire an instructor for just one day or for two weeks depending on what you want to learn and what level you start at.

Where can you learn more about RYA own boat courses?

Click the ‘View Courses’ button below to find a sailing school that provides own boat tuition near you.

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