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FAQ’S: All About The RYA Powerboat Level 2 Training Course

How much will it cost including exam fees?

Around $450 / £300 / 400 EUROS depending on where abouts in the world you do the course, and the date you take it.

What will you get out of the Powerboat Level 2 course?

You will be considered competent to take a powerboat of up to 10 metres in length in reasonable conditions on your own.

What are your limitations after passing it?

You will be encouraged to learn when it is safe or unsafe to take a powerboat out, and how to handle the boat in challenging conditions – this might include going at a slower speed to make the ride more comfortable, and how to handle obstructive sea conditions.

Is the course theory, practical or both?

About half of the course is theory, and half practical.

Where can you take the Powerboat Level 2?

You can take this course anywhere that has RYA accreditation to offer it.

Can you do it in another country?

Yes, just find your nearest RYA instructor offering this course.

What level of experience do you need before you take the course?

None, though gaining some experience through the Level 1 course will ensure you pass it more easily.

What is the duration of the course?

It will take 2 days or four evenings to complete.

What exactly does it involve?

Practical Elements;

  • You will learn how to handle and drive a powerboat of up to 10 metres in length.
  • You will cover boat handling and basic engine maintenance.
  • You will learn about coming off and onto a dock as well as mooring and anchoring.
  • You will also look at man overboard techniques.
  • Finally you will look at high speed manoeuvres, including man overboard at high speed.
Theory Elements;

  • You will learn about knots, meteorology, navigation and pilotage.
  • You will also learn about the international Collision Regulations.
  • You will also look at distress calling and firing flares to get help.

How do I progress after passing it?

You can do an RYA Safety Boat course, which sailing clubs love new members to have. You can also do the Intermediate Powerboat certificate that will further your skills.

For this particular course you should look at doing an RYA Day Skipper Theory course.

Does the RYA Powerboat Level 2 give you international accreditation?

Not automatically though with the certification you qualify to apply for the International Certificate of Competence (ICC) for power vessels of up to 10 metres.

If you do this course for inland certification and have a CEVNI certificate you can apply for an inland ICC for powered vessels of up to 10 metres.

Where can I learn more about this course?

Take a look at the syllabus.

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