I once attended a first aid course in the south of England, and as part of the course we covered sunstroke. In the north of England they cover hypothermia. Which underlines the fact that a first aid course is only as good as the circumstances in which you are likely to find yourself needing to […]
When you head out to the wide blue yonder you may have full confidence in your boat, your knowledge of the seas, your ability to navigate and your locker stuffed full of jammy dodgers. But what about your crew? How confident are you that they know their keel from their elbow? One of the more […]
Do you know where the expression ‘Son of a Gun’ comes from? If you’re a sailing or boating enthusiast then perhaps you should, because it refers to a child born on a ship or boat. Apparently it’s supposed to be a sign of good luck, although that does rather depend on the circumstances I imagine. […]
I’m quietly confident that as a loyal and knowledgeable reader of The Boating Hub’s blog you’ll already know the difference between a canoe and a kayak, and that when most people talk about canoes, they’re really talking about a kayak. But if you’re in the market to buy a new kayak, what factors should you […]
For anyone looking to buy their first boat, buying a second hand boat is a sound idea, because whilst in theory the whole idea of owning a boat and heading out whenever the fancy takes you sounds great, the reality doesn’t always match up for everyone. Buying a second hand boat means that you’re not […]
I’ve recently been asking a perhaps fairly obvious question – why do you sail? I’ve been asking people who are sailing enthusiasts, and who have at least one boat of their own. It’s an obvious question, but what has struck me is the sheer variety when it comes to the answers I have received. I […]