4 Common Boating Assumptions Which Are WRONG

Posted on November 28, 2012 by under Buying A Boat, Sailing, Sailing Training Courses

It’s surprising just how many misconceptions and misunderstandings there are regarding sailing and boating. It’s a great shame really because it’s often only because of these misunderstandings and incorrect assumptions that more people don’t get the chance to enjoy this incredible pastime or lifestyle. Often people are put off the idea of sailing simply because […]

What Are The Benefits Of An RYA/MCA Sea Survival Course?

Posted on November 13, 2012 by under First Aid, RYA, Sailing Training Courses

Sometimes sailing is not, well, plain sailing. Anyone with any boating experience will almost certainly have encountered unexpected situations whilst at sea, from minor mishaps and illness to more serious problems such as serious accidents, faulty equipment leaving you adrift, or worse. I hope that none of you have had to deal with a serious […]

Is It A Good Idea For Children To Learn To Sail?

Posted on November 6, 2012 by under Sailing, Sailing Training Courses

When asking the question, is it a good idea for children to learn to sail, there are probably plenty of people who would immediately say ‘yes’ and leave it at that. If you have enjoyed sailing for many years then there’s a pretty good chance you’re going to want to pass on that interest to […]