There comes a time in the life of every sailor and boating fan when they’ll find themselves reeling off so much industry lingo that those of a less nautical persuasion will probably have no idea what they’re talking about. And needless to say, a proud day this is for all involved! However, those getting started […]
We’re all told that we have to step up our so-called ‘bit’ in 2013 and the boaters of the UK are no exceptions…it’s time to go even greener, people! The good news however is that that taking things a little further in terms of eco-boating really doesn’t have to be much of an ask, but […]
Few things can rival the thrill of slicing through the open water in your own motor boat, and as far as boats go they’re one of the easiest to operate. Of course, there’s a whole lot of mechanics to think about, but aside from that they’re a popular choice for both relative beginners and old […]