A Beginner’s Guide to Sailing Clubs

Posted on April 23, 2013 by under Sailing, Sailing Training Courses

Whether you’re just entering the world of sailing or you’re a long-standing veteran of the waves, you will have no doubt come across information on the various sailing clubs that are dotted around the country. If you’ve never been a member, you might not yet have a full understanding of what exactly a sailing club […]

Three Essential Canoe and Kayak Skills You Need To Master

Posted on April 17, 2013 by under Canoeing, kayaking

Canoeing and Kayaking are fairly accessible sports for beginners. The boats themselves are the simplest of vessels – they consist of a lightweight symmetrical hull, pointed at both ends, with an open space for the crew.  There are no sails to master, engines to operate or rudders to steer. You simply need to get in […]

How To Sail a Dinghy: Your Gateway to The Boating World

Posted on April 10, 2013 by under Boating, RYA, Sailing, Sailing Training Courses

A dinghy is a small boat with a sail and rudder.  It’s the smallest class of sailing vessels, and also the simplest.  Learning to sail a dinghy is often the first step for beginners on the way to sailing bigger and more complex boats. As arguably the easiest of all the sailboats to master, Dinghy […]

Four Reasons to Take An Advanced Sailing Course

Posted on April 2, 2013 by under RYA, Sailing Training Courses

If you’re an experienced sailor with a fair few nautical miles under your belt, you’re probably confident in the water, and you know your preferred vessel well. It might seem like you’ve got all the required skills already. So why consider an advanced sailing course? There are actually a number of good reasons to take […]