Taking a RYA First Aid course should be right on top of any sailor’s priority list. Whether you’re a solo yachtsman, a crew member, or a skipper with a responsibility for his/her crew and/or passengers, it’s something every sailor should do. #1 Be Prepared Sailing is all about having fun, setting yourself new challenges and […]
If you’ve been bitten by the bug to learn sailing then “welcome aboard” as the old nautical expression goes. You’re joining one of the longest established and most deeply satisfying clubs in the world. Whether you one day intend to enter into competition, or you simply want to go sailing for pleasure, you’ll find it […]
Whether you have been sailing for years, or just starting out, you may have at some point considered designing your own boat. Well, the good news, is it’s not impossible and you may actually enjoy it. While it may at first seem quite daunting, like any other aspect of DIY it’s about planning, preparation and […]
I remember standing at events square in Falmouth, Cornwall in 2005 when Dame Ellen MacCarthur came out on stage to a standing ovation. She had of course, set a new world record of circumnavigating the globe in a record 94 days, 4 hours and 25 minutes. One of the things that stood out the most […]