Essential Equipment Needed For Taking Your Boat Out In The Winter

Posted on November 28, 2013 by under Boating, First Aid, Sailing

If you’ve decided to brave the icy climes and take your boat out this winter, it’s advisable to undertake the necessary preparations so that you stay warm, dry and safe. Here are some of the essential pieces of equipment you may wish to consider when taking to the seas in the chilly winter months. #1 […]

Boat Winter Lay-Up Tips and Advice

Posted on November 19, 2013 by under Boat maintenance, Boating, Sail Maintenance, Sailing

Boats are like hibernating animals; since they are not likely to be used over the winter, they need to be adequately prepared for storage over the colder months. The way you prepare and store your boat over winter can affect its long-term health and the ease of the spring launch – which will come around […]

5 Reasons Sailing Courses Make the Perfect Christmas Present

Posted on November 14, 2013 by under Boating, Sailing Training Courses

With just under six weeks to go until Christmas, people are starting to think about what they can wrap up for their loved ones that will bring a smile to their face. If the prospect of dipping into every shop on the high street until you find that perfect gift fills you with dread, why […]

The Boating Hub – Maximise your Sailing Experience

Posted on November 6, 2013 by under Sailing Training Courses, Uncategorized

If you’re a keen sailor, you’ll be pleased to hear that there is a new sailing website that has been launched with a view to helping you to get more out your sailing experiences. There can be no doubt about the fact that the more you know about what you do, the more you enjoy […]