Seven Deadly Sailing Sins You Should Avoid

Posted on April 30, 2014 by under Sailing

The key aspect of sailing is to remain as safe as possible at all times – not only does this reduce the risk involved but it also makes for a much more fulfilling experience. When dealing with the natural world it’s important to expect the unexpected – and that means being prepared. A number of […]

Distance Learning Boating Courses – How Can They Help Me On The Water?

Once the basics of sailing are mastered, it’s time to move on to the more complex aspects of spending time on the water. That means learning the essentials of navigation and seamanship, from safety aspects to avoiding collisions and setting an appropriate course. It is assumed that all of the basic aspects will have been […]

What Do East Marine Plans Mean For Boating?

Posted on April 16, 2014 by under Boating, RYA, Sailing, Sailing Courses

New marine plans for the future of the seas around the UK could have a large impact on sailing and recreational boating. The plans from the Marine Management Organisation should see a change to the way that marine plans are developed in relation to sailing activities. They mean any potential developments must not adversely affect […]

Five Crucial Pieces Of Safety Advice For Budding Sailors

Posted on April 9, 2014 by under Boating, Sailing, Sailing Courses, Sailing Training Courses

Safety plays an important role in sailing due to the very nature of the outdoor world and what is involved. Being out on the water carries a number of risks, so nullifying these risks as much as possible is seen as essential. From simple safety practices to knowing what to do in an emergency, there […]

What Are The Best Parts Of The UK For Learning To Sail?

Posted on April 2, 2014 by under Boating, Sailing, Sailing Courses

It’s easy to think that all that is needed for a good sailing experience is a stretch of water and a boat, but in truth the specific location also plays a very big role. For new sailors especially, picking the first place to sail can have a massive bearing on the experience they have. Areas […]