How To Pick The Right Boat For Your Next Sailing Adventure

Posted on May 28, 2014 by under Day Skipper, First Aid, Motorboats, Sailing

The level of enjoyment experienced while sailing will depend significantly on the type of boat used, or more importantly, whether the sailor in question is capable of sailing it. A boat where the sailor is competent and comfortable will be considerably more enjoyable to sail in than a vessel where they are unsure of all […]

How National Safe Boating Week Looks To Promote Sailing Safety

Posted on May 21, 2014 by under RYA, Sailing

The water can be a powerful enemy for many sailors, and even those who have trained and studied meticulously are not free from danger. National Safe Boating Week is promoted to enhance the experience of those that spend time out on the water sailing. It aims to highlight the dangers and help to teach sailors […]

Top Courses To Help You Learn To Sail Like These Celebs!

Posted on May 14, 2014 by under Boating, Sailing

Sailing is a sport and a hobby that has captured the imaginations of a wide range of people across the UK.  A fascination with spending time on the water is no major surprise – spending time at sea or open water is often viewed as a relaxing and highly enjoyable experience. As a result, a […]

Win a Day’s Sailing on the Solent with First Class Sailing

Posted on May 13, 2014 by under Uncategorized

To help celebrate National Watersports Month, The Boating Hub has joined forces with First Class Sailing to give away a pair of tickets for a day’s sailing on the Solent. When Will This Be Taking Place? The lucky couple will join First Class Sailing on Thursday 29th May and will experience the excitement of working […]

Can Boating Courses Help Me Train For A Race?

Sailing skills are developed over time and are ultimately improved with experience – requiring a great deal of time, dedication and training. Preparation for races can take several forms, from basic training and development to specific course reading and planning. Boating courses can aid in this preparation by developing essential skills, leaving a sailor safe […]