The RYA – The Next Level Of Sailing Development

Posted on August 27, 2014 by under Day Skipper, First Aid, RYA, Sailing Courses

Once the decision to try out sailing is made, the next part of the process involves finding the right people to help you get started. Learning the basics is simple enough, given that there are a huge number of available courses up and down the length of the country. These are perfectly placed to help […]

What Is The Ideal First Boat For Someone Learning To Sail?

Posted on August 20, 2014 by under Buying A Boat, Sailing, Sailing Courses

When it comes to learning to sail it would be easy to assume that someone would start off small, and slowly work their way up to a larger vessel. While this can make sense in that an amateur shouldn’t be left with something they cannot handle, finding the best boat to learn in can depend […]

Why First Aid Training Is Such An Essential Part Of Learning To Sail

Posted on August 13, 2014 by under Boating, First Aid, Sailing

For any budding sailor, there are numerous skills which need to be acquired. Aside from the practical knowledge of how to sail specific vessels, those who take to the water must also be trained in first aid. Here we look at just why first aid training is so important when learning to sail: Why do […]

The 3 Most Underrated Sailing Skills That Every New Starter Needs To Learn

Posted on August 6, 2014 by under First Aid, Sailing, Sailing Courses

When learning to sail, mastering the basics is incredibly important as it develops the platform from which all future learning will be based. Sailing courses will focus on these aspects to ensure that people are aware of what they are doing – but there are some skills that are absolutely essential, especially if sailors wish […]