As is often stated, the process of development as a sailor demands a strong set of basic skills that can then be steadily improved over time. Learning to sail in this way – which is similar to learning to drive a car – allows for constant improvement but requires dedication and hard work, especially for […]
Learning to sail is a process which needs to be done in stages, beginning with the basics before developing more advanced skills as required. The basics form the foundation block from which progression through other courses can then be made – without these essential skills it can be very hard to develop. Sailing is built […]
Croatia is one of the best places in the world for sailing but with the peak of tourism which is between July and August, increased sea traffic is experienced and most times a big number of marine accidents recorded. Most times it is the human factors that cause the accidents or inattention, injury of crew […]
Making people decide that they want to get involved with something is not always an easy task, but with sailing it is slightly different. While it is similar to many other sports in that it can easily be tried out, what makes it different is the fact that there are so many options and places […]
Sailing is all about knowing your limits, but despite the best efforts to avoid rough conditions, there can still be times when managing a vessel in rough seas is required. Plenty of consideration of a wide range of factors is required and all can have an impact on safety and the overall experience for a […]
The concept of a Sailing Champions League is a new one in the sailing world, but not to the sporting world in general. Football already has its premier tournament, while cricket has also expanded its boundaries to introduce the Champions League Twenty20 in recent years. The former is limited to only the best sides in […]