There is a saying – “teach your kids to love sailing and they’ll never have enough money for drugs” This holds true, with a range of programmes being run all over the world where kids who have had problems are being sent on sailing courses to help refocus their minds from crime and antisocial behaviour […]
Europe is a major sailing destination for people from around the world. From the fjords of Scandinavia to the crystal clear seas of the Mediterranean and inland seas such as Constance and Lake Geneva, the region has varied and beautiful sailing locations. We have discussed the ins and outs of the International Certificate of Competence […]
Over the last year I have talked about being a good all rounder and how it benefits you as a boater. There is a common misconception, that I myself have fallen prey to, that just because you have learned to sail while doing 1000 miles on a tall ship it makes you an expert yachtsman. […]
There are two sure fire ways of attaining a certificate of boating competence that is accepted abroad – either a commercially endorsed seafaring qualification or the so-called International Certificate of Competence (ICC). Since you must have a high level of fitness and undertake years of training to achieve the required certification to get a commercially […]