4 Boating Courses To Consider During The Winter Months

With even the hardiest winter regatta series drawing to a close as autumnal storms start to make sailing uncomfortable for complete sailing nuts, now is the time to put your boat ashore for the winter. You don’t have to join a crochet class or get involved in your town council’s local politics to keep your […]

Sailing in New Zealand: The Ultimate Destination For Snowbird Sailors

Posted on October 19, 2015 by under Boating, Sailing

Most leisure sailors from around the world hail from the Northern Hemisphere. Unless you’re fortunate enough to live in the US or Caribbean you’re limited as to the length of your sailing season – around this time of the year most yachties are winterising their boats and many are hauling them out for winter repairs. […]

Why Sail Training Never Prepares You For A Severe Storm

Posted on October 12, 2015 by under Passage Planning, Sailing, Sailing Courses

Northern Europe and the US East Coast storm season is upon us. Already a cargo ship has sunk with the loss of 30 crew in Hurricane Joaquim. For most people a Force 6 wind is what is termed a ‘yachtsman’s gale’. This piece will look at two shipwrecks in hurricanes and show how, no matter […]

3 Less Travelled Destinations Where You Can Learn To Sail

Posted on October 5, 2015 by under Sailing, Sailing Courses

Traditionally, northern Europeans and Americans head south for their summer sailing holidays. There you can spend 10 minutes waiting in a stinking French marina washing facilities waiting to do your morning constitutional in a blocked toilet, and in the evening another 15 minutes waiting for the embattled waiter to serve you another drink during a […]