The Qualifications Needed to Take Fee Paying Passengers Boating in the UK

Posted on April 18, 2016 by under Boating, Sailing Courses, Sailing Regulations

Owning a boat is an expensive affair. Keeping a 40ft yacht in a South Coast marina can cost £5000 a year, and then you will need to pay insurance and maintenance, as well as hauling it out every year to keep its underside in good condition. It is no wonder that there’s a saying that […]

Our Day On A Sailing Experience Course

Posted on April 4, 2016 by under RYA, Sailing Courses, Sailing Experience Courses

This weekend I took my partner on a sailing experience day with a sailing school in Lymington in the UK. Though the RYA Start Yachting course is two days long, the idea is to let the potential sailor see if they enjoy it. Judging by the conversion of my sailing sceptical partner, perhaps only a […]